Diego Ferrer

contact me on twitter, github or via email

I'm a Smart Contract Engineer at Tessera, a protocol focused on the collective ownership of NFTs.

Previous Roles

  • Software Engineer Intern at Microsoft: Worked on an internal web application used for data visualization. My contributions during this internship include: custom React components aimed at increasing usability and accesibility, a caching system that leverages ASP .NET's memory caching libraries, and the implementation of search functionality as well as data filtering.
  • Blockchain Developer Intern at the Qtum Foundation: Worked on Janus, an RPC translator between the Ethereum RPC API and the Qtum RPC API. As well as an SDK to create and sign Qtum transactions (P2P, P2SH, and contract transactions) locally using Golang.

Hackathon Awards

Awards received for hackathon submissions: